New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne
New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne


In brief 16 February 2021

Onboard message from Miranda Merron

" Welcome sunshine after a rather busy, wet and very dark night with two consecutive cold fronts. I chose to go outside the verboten Traffic Separation Scheme as the sea state inshore must be truly impressive. Also, the wind accelerates significantly around Cape Finistere and there is enough here as it is, and the second front has stalled over the land 50 miles away - the sun has just risen above it.

There are quite a few ships on this side of the TSS too. Short naps only to weave amongst the traffic. 

Now to work out the quickest, but not necessarily the windiest route to Les Sables d'Olonne... " 

Miranda Merron / Campagne de France

News 15 February 2021

Voices from the ocean #9

Today in the podcast, 'Voices from the ocean', find news of Clément Giraud, who should arrive tomorrow morning in Les Sables d'Olonne, and Isabelle Joschke and Sam Davies, two women who went out of the race to complete the loop.


News 14 February 2021

Didac Costa's burning love for the Vendee Globe

He may be relatively small in stature, quiet and reserved in nature but the Catalan fire-fighter Didac Costa once more captured the hearts and minds of the Les Sables d’Olonne public and ocean racing fans when they watched his return back to the Vendée Globe race dock today after taking 20th place on his second consecutive Vendée Globe, his third back to back non stop round the world race.

News 14 February 2021

Didac Costa 'I was moved, touched by the support today.'

Modest, shy and – as the French would say – very discrete, Didac Costa was enchanting as he spoke to his Press Conference in his native Spanish language today. And if Didac can be quiet and unassuming his welcome by his counterparts from the Les Sables d’Olonne Sapeurs Pompiers – the local firefighters – was sustained, loud and appreciative. That special bond created in 2016 when they were instrumental in getting him back on the race course after his generator and electrical problems brought him back to Les Sables d’Olonne, are stronger than ever. Suffice to say Didac’s welcome was truly special.

In brief 14 February 2021

Miranda Merron this morning

Long nights now, it's getting colder, right now grey dawn and light rain. Still the ever-present long north-westerly swell.
Campagne de France is getting closer to Europe. Having not been able to get north earlier due to the monster low - and there's another one on it's way, it will mean being in more traffic closer to land. 

Miranda/ Campagne de France


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