New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne
New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne


News 11 February 2021

Switzerland’s Alan Roura (La Fabrique), finishes 17th in the Vendée Globe

Alan Roura, the young Swiss skipper of La Fabrique, crossed the finish line of the Vendée Globe at 19:29:56hrs UTC today (Thursday 11th February) to secure 17th position after 95 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes and 56 seconds of racing. Completing his second Vendée Globe today at just 27 years of age, Roura was the youngest competitor among the 33 solo skippers who left Les Sables d’Olonne on Sunday November 8th.

News 11 February 2021

Kojiro Shiriaishi's Press Conference Highlights

Gracious, serene and with a smile which lit up his Press Conference, here are some of the words from Japan's Kokiro Shiraish

What is the outstanding thing about this Vendée Globe, is it your memory of the Southern Ocean or repairing your mainsail, what is the main thing that stands out?
“ The first thing is that I am really grateful to everyone who has followed me and enabled me to finish this Vendée Globe, there were a lot of new things during this race for me and the team. The first is I did this Vendee Globe with a new boat. And I had not talked about this before but one year before the start I had a big heart surgery. And there were other things but I never imagined my mainsail would tear as fast as it did during the race but with the good advice of my team over the period of a week I managed to find the time and the resources to repair my mainsail and go on to finish.”

News 11 February 2021

Kojiro Shiraishi takes 16th in Vendee Globe, First Asian Skipper Ever To Finish The Race

Kojiro Shiraishi, the 53 year old Japanese solo skipper of DMG MORI, crossed the finish line off Les Sables d’Olonne at 10:52:58hrs UTC this Thursday 11th February to take 16th place in the Vendée Globe and in so doing become the first ever Asian skipper to complete the famous non stop solo race around the world. Shiraishi’s elapsed time for his race is 94d 21hrs 32mins and he finishes 14d 17hrs 48m 10s behind Yannick Bestaven and 2hrs 56mins behind Arnaud Boissieres. 

News 11 February 2021

Boissières' first words

The first words from Arnaud Boissières after crossing the finish line "It was an amazing race intense I feel like I was always in touch. I expected a little more but because the level is very high and the preparation of the boats high too. Behind the leaders we were also in a fight, that's what made the race so great, but that's also why I'm so tired. We had a great race especially with Alan (Roura) from Cape Horn. That is what I was looking for.

News 11 February 2021

Boissieres finishes 15th in the Vendée Globe

French skipper Arnaud Boissières crossed the finish line at 08h 56min 06s this thursday 11th February to take 15th place in the ninth edition of the Vendée Globe. In so doing the 48 years old native of Arcachon who has lived in Les Sables d’Olonne since before his first Vendée Globe race becomes the first ever skipper to complete the solo non stop round the world race four consecutive times.


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