New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne
New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne


News 28 January 2021

Louis Burton (Bureau Vallee 2) second across the finish line

Louis Burton, the popular hard driving 35 years old French skipper of Bureau Vallée 2 crossed the finish line of the Vendée Globe in second position, emerging from the inky darkness on his yellow hulled IMOCA to break the line at 23.45hrs 12mins on Wednesday 27th January, 04h 09min 25s after Charlie Dalin in what is the proving to be race’s closest and most hotly contested finish ever.

News 27 January 2021

News Update, Bestaven Looking Good

With 96 nautical miles to the finish line at 2230hrs UTC Yannick Bestaven has to cross the finish line before 0550hrs 47mins UTC if he is to better Charlie Dalin's elapsed time of 80d 06h 15m 47s. Bestaven is making 18kts and needs to average 13,5kts. So things are looking good for Bestaven

News 27 January 2021

Charlie Dalin, first quotes on finishing

On his arrival into the Channel Charlie Dalin, first to finish the Vendee Globe said. “I am happy to have finished the race in the lead! And this is still a pretty incredible welcome......from nothing to this! I knew there would be some people, but I am surprised by this welcome.”

“ It is a magical race. It has changed me, I am not sure how yet, but it has. There are so many emotions, of such strength, things I have not felt before. It is so strong, I do not know how it will affect me, but for sure it will.”

News 27 January 2021

FLASH...Boris Herrmann In Collision With Fishing Boat

At 1950hrs UTC this evening while racing in third place, some 90 miles from the Vendée Globe finish line off Les Sables d’Olonne German skipper Boris Herrmann (Seaexplorer-Yacht Club de Monaco) was in collision with a fishing boat. He reports damage to his starboard foil and some other damage but he is unharmed and has secured the boat and is proceeding towards the finish line at reduced speed.

News 27 January 2021

Charlie Dalin (APIVIA) First To Finish The Ninth Vendée Globe

After an immaculately executed race, at 19h 35m 47s UTC this evening, after 80 days 6hrs 15mins 47secs since the start on Sunday 8th November, French skipper Charlie Dalin emerged from a damp, misty Bay of Biscay to break the finish line of the Vendée Globe, the solo, non-stop race round the world race, in first position and in doing so realised the ocean racing dreams of his youth.


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