New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne
New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne


News 21 January 2021

Vendée English live #75 : Marcus Hutchinson

Marcus Hutchinson, Thomas Ruyant's team manager is the guest of the Vendée English live today.

News 21 January 2021

Pip Hare 'glad to see sunrise'

Pip Hare this morning, "I was so glad to see the sunrise this morning. It's been a long night and if you look at my track you will see why. I'm having a trial run for the doldrums over here and with no reliable wind data it has taken a lot of human power to get through the night."

News 21 January 2021

A Corner Can Be Cut?

For the leaders who are 1000 or so miles SSW of the Azores this morning this stretch of the Atlantic is not as cooperative as it was forecast to be. Charlie Dalin is calculated to be 160 miles ahead of Louis Burton but the high pressure they are expecting to cross is more unstable and with lighter winds than expected as it moves eastwards. This can present opportunities again for the chasing groupe of boats as the leaders slow.

News 20 January 2021

Seven Days To Destiny

The race at the front of the Vendée Globe is electrifying. None of the eight previous editions has ever witnessed a race finish as open and intense. Right now the leading skippers are trying to get their heads around a do-or-die sprint to the finish line in Les Sables d’Olonne which has now less than one week to run.

News 20 January 2021

Pip the wars with a man o'war

Pip Hare writes this morning, "After the events of yesterday I know I am special. I have had what I believe to be a unique Vendee Globe experience. I have been stung on the back by a Portuguese Man O War Jelly Fish. And yes, I know strictly they are not jelly fish but what ever they are, the little blighters are evil.

I have always embraced that 'next level' concept of a challenge but I am not sure this is the direction I had in mind.


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