New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne
New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne


In brief 26 December 2020

Headsail problem from Ben Dutreux (OMIA-Water Family)

In tenth place Benjamin Dutreux (OMIA-Water Family) has been having problems with a headsail and so has had do slow down and head north which he seeks to stabilize the situation. Dutreux, 30, from Les Sables d'Olonne is in contact with his technical team to find a solution and get back to race speed.

News 26 December 2020

Roura Races On, Keel Issue Fixed

After reporting a problem with his keel ram hydraulics earlier this morning, Swiss skipper Alan Roura has managed to sort the issue. After more than 12 hours of hard work Roura has a working keel system and is back up to race pace. Exhausted after his endeavours the race’s youngest skipper is slowly getting his energy back and accelerating east again.

News 26 December 2020

The monster which won't give it

Like a sci-fi monster which constantly evolves and won’t lie down and die, the high pressure system which has blocked the path of the Vendée Globe leaders since they were south of New Zealand, is not giving up the top ten solo skippers and releasing them to accelerate east towards Point Nemo and onwards to Cape Horn.

News 26 December 2020

Keel ram problem aboard La Fabrique

Alain Roura, the 27 year old Swiss skipper of La Fabrique, has reported a problem with the on eof the hydraulic rams on his keel system. He cannot cant the keel anymore. He and his team are analysing the situation as they look to make the best solution so he can complete the second part of his solo round the world race.

News 26 December 2020

Vendée English live #49

Guest of the day : Nick Moloney


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