New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne
New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne


News 25 December 2020

Bestaven Invests, Dalin Stays Direct, Herrmann Third

With the anticyclone blocking the route eastwards towards Cape Horn which is still over 2000 miles away, the leading group have made their choices – or had them made for them – and this Christmas morning there is more than 300 miles of lateral separation between Yannick Bestaven (Maitre Coq) who is upwind to the north of second placed Charlie Dalin (APIVIA) who is still on the most direct route 1.2 miles behind in terms of distance to the finish, while Boirs Herrmann (SeaExplorer-Yacht Club de Monaco) is now up to third some 300 miles behind.​

News 24 December 2020

A christmas lead for Dalin?

Strategies are now diverging significantly between the leading two skippers Thomas Ruyant and Charlie Dalin at the front of the Vendée Globe fleet. Ruyant has split north to seek a low pressure system first, looking to reap the rewards of a fast downwind ride after the weekend but he must sail many more miles – some of them at an oblique angle to the best course east – and some of them potentially upwind into 25-30 knots of wind.

News 24 December 2020

Vendée English live #47 : Marcus Hutchinson

Guest of the day : Marcus Hutchinson, team manager of Thomas Ruyant (LinkedOut)

In brief 24 December 2020

Destremau has a solution to keep Merci on course

Following many questions about the reliability of his pilot and his emergency steering system, Sébastien Destremau seems to have found a solution that can be set up at sea. If not, he will head to a bay in Tasmania to attempt the repair, the very same place he repaired four years ago.

"EUREKA, it looks like Merci will not be giving up the Vendée Globe race! 

We have mild temperatures, great sunshine, clear blue skies, 15-20 knots of downwind, and sailing on a direct course at 10/12 knots towards Australia, and above all, and above all, a system that should hold and allow me to continue the race. What more could you ask for on this Christmas Eve?

As the autopilot's hydraulic motor has suffered a lot, the only viable solution to carry on the race is to repair the main pilot and fix the pump. This does mean however having to recover parts from all over the place, take some oil from the keel hydraulic reserve and replace its engine with another. It is also means having to move the rudder angle sensor which, since the rudder system broke, does not give enough precise information to the computer.

So, there is a pretty long list of jobs to be carried out! Whilst my brothers are putting champagne on ice in preparation for Christmas celebrations, I have to get to Tasmania’s Bay of Good Hope and plan the repairs!

Merry Christmas to all!"

Sébastien Destremau / Merci

In brief 24 December 2020

Message from Miranda Merron (Campagne de France)

22 - 30 knots, some fast surfing when the breeze is up. The western end of the Australian part of the ice limit is now only 166 miles away. Australia is less than a thousand miles from here. 

On to more important matters: i have located my freeze-dried Christmas dinner which I will share with Sam tomorrow at 1200. She has the same dinner. I have also found my mother's delicious Christmas cake. I'm going to kick off Decemberr 25th at 1300 today, which will be midnight in Melbourne, as agrred with my friend Angela who lives ther. I don't know what time it is in Perth anyway. 

I am clean and in clean clothes more suited to the cold, especially at night - Damartsport thermals and Ursuit Fourth Element on top. It feels fantastic. Untangling the bird's nest that is my hair is next on the job list unless a technical issue gets in the way.

Merry Christmas to you all!

Miranda / Campagne de France


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