New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne
New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne


News 23 December 2020

Bestaven Has One Eye in the Rearview Mirror

The spotlight is on Yannick Bestaven as he tries to escape from the high pressure first. This morning the skipper from the pretty harbour town of La Rochelle on the west coast of France has extended on second placed Charlie Dalin but it is Thomas Ruyant routing more north who is going fast that Bestaven sees as more of a threat.....the Christmas thriller is unfolding

News 23 December 2020

Yannick Bestaven 'I feel like I left yesterday'

Leader Yannick Bestaven will celebrate Christmas,  his 48th birthday on December 28th and then New Year one after the other. Right now there is a chance he could add substantially to his lead, which is back over 100 miles again this Wednesday morning, which would give him added reason to celebrate each occasion at sea for the first time. 

News 22 December 2020

Bestaven Looking To Land Big Christmas Bonus

Dalin. High Pressure = High Stress, Costa’s Perfect 40th Birthday Present Passing Cape Leeuwin Tonight. Hare Happy With Second Cape

Leader Yannick Bestaven is being forced to play chicken with the Vendée Globe’s ice zone limit in the South Pacific as he seeks to extricate his Maître Coq first from a frustrating anticyclone which is offering unusually light to moderate breezes even though they are racing at 55 degrees south.
Bestaven, who has seen his margin eroded to 84 miles by Figaro one design ace Charlie Dalin while Thomas Ruyant is also about 80 miles behind.

News 22 December 2020

Vendée English Live #45 : Nandor Fa & Jean-Luc Van den Heede

Nador Fa, Hungarian sailor who took part three times in the Vendée Globe (1993-94, 1996-97 and 2016-17) and Jean-Luc Van den Heede, two podiums in the Vendée Globe (3rd in 1989-90 and 2nd in 1992-93) were on the Vendée Live today.

News 22 December 2020

Louis Burton 'I was on the verge of abandoning'

Louis Burton lost ground when he was up with the leaders the race during his repairs, but not that much, particularly since the weather scenario should allow him to get back into the fight. The skipper of Bureau Vallée 2 was on the radio session this Tuesday morning.


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