New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne
New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne

14 December 2020 - 10:13 • 5394 views



The skipper of OMIA - Water Family is delighted to have passed the longitude of Cape Leeuwin and to be sailing close to Damien Seguin and Jean Le Cam. He explains how important it is to push and trim the boat and not get slowed down. As for life on board, he is craving fresh vegetables and is fed up with the freeze-dried meals!

I'm trying to keep up with my group. It's a mad thing to have passed Cape Leeuwin! I'm so happy, I sent a message to a friend who lives a few kilometres from Cape Leeuwin. Being close to the others in the right group is what keeps me on the edge of my seat, I give it my all, I try to hold on as best I can, even though I go slower sometimes. Right now, I'm having a great time. I'm giving it all I've got!

The first three are going to get away, because we should have a good big light spot tonight. I think the first three are going to make big inroads. We're going to have to work our way along the ice exclusion line and head south to catch the next weather train. Outside it's wet and I spend little time out there. I totally understand those who have had the closed cockpits made! I'm lucky, I have a small breakthrough of sunshine, otherwise it's solid grey.

The wind is variable, and you just have to be on it. I manage to rest and let go, because I got excited to make adjustments as soon as the boat was slow. I managed to let go, because I was tired. I listen to a lot of music. I tried books but it just moves too much! Yesterday I watched an episode of a series, and I'm having fun tinkering with stuff in my navigation software. Otherwise, there are always little things to deal with because we've been sailing the boats hard for a month now, so it's necessary maintenance. The sun came up at 11pm UT, it's very out of sync, it's very disturbing, I have a lot of trouble adapting. Today is the new week, I've opened a new bag, it's a nice Monday morning!"