New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne
New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne

17 December 2020 - 09:02 • 7094 views



Contacted at 0400hrs UTC this morning Louis Burton explains that despite not being able to use his full sail area due to various problems, he is motivated to go fast in regatta mode with the group around him and to try and regain ground lost to the leaders.

“I have a fast boat, so even at 75-80% of its potential, I am able be not too far behind. It's motivating because in front of our group, there are only three boats and that makes you think about a possible  fourth place, it makes you want to push and race hard and that's what motivates me. I had a crazy surprise yesterday: Eric Bellion and Servane (Escoffier) organised a thing in Dinard with all my friends and the sponsors. They made me believe they were calling me for a video interview and in fact they were all dressed up and were partying! It was great and it really motivated me.

My hands suffered a lot in the Indian Ocean with all the repair work both in and then out on rig and the mainsail. But they are getting better. At the moment the weather conditions are good, it's like the Bay of Quiberon, it means you can get a bit of rest. Ahead of the front, there were 20 knots of wind and 1.50 m of waves from behind, it was pleasant. Now we have 16-17 knots, it's good. It's just annoying because I would need to have my full main up. I just want to be able to take my foot of the break, but the conditions are good. At night temperatures are around 5°, during the day 10°; it's the humidity that's difficult, and I'm cold, my feet are always cold!”