New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne
New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne

17 December 2020 - 09:12 • 9485 views



Leading the vanguard group at the back of the fleet, Jérémie Beyou, joined at 5am, is happy to swallow up the miles and sail with other competitors while taking care of his boat. The skipper of Charal is expected to round Cape Leeuwin in 7 days.

“The sun is finally out; the front is passing over me and the wind is easing. And unfortunately, it is likely to get much lighter because there is bubble of no wind coming up behind. It's a bit all or nothing around here! I've never experienced this before, it's amazing. We had a nice front that we had hooked on to, I thought it was going to do it all in one go and that it was going to push us all, but no, there's a small area of low pressure coming up behind me. I'm making the boat go as fast as I can, as much as possible. In the front, there were up to 35 knots, now there is only 26 knots. I'm going to gybe in 80 miles. I'm going to have to let the cell of no wind pass. We'll see! It's good, I'm happy to be covering some miles despite everything. I've clocked up the miles without pushing th boat too hard. 

It's good to have people around, it is good because the racing is fun and the sailing good. They are well positioned in relation to the weather, and I even get the impression that it is catching up a bit from behind with these light conditions. I'm trying to find a good rhythm on the boat, to take care of it, to be careful. The boat responds really well.

I sail better with others around; I look at other people's averages. It's easier because it gives you a sense of direction and you can see how everyone slows down and speeds up. It helps you to manage your positioning better and psychologically, it's more fun. It was one of my worries when I left Les Sables d'Olonne, to be all alone. And now I'm fine with this small group, I'm going to try to stay keep ahead and reduce the distance with those in front. We should get another front tonight and average speeds of between 17 and 19 knots for a few days. Cape Leeuwin for me will be, I think, in 7 days. The situation isn't very clear there yet.”