New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne
New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne

17 December 2020 - 18:47 • 11391 views



The first three Vendée Globe boats are into the Pacific Ocean today and have passed the midpoint of the 24410 nautical miles race course around the world. Yannick Bestaven, the skipper of Maître Coq IV, who has had a very consistent race since the start has held the lead for over 24 hours now, more than 100 miles up on Thomas Ruyant on LinkedOut who had to stop for several hours last night when his bow compartment filled up when he was asleep.

Thankfully for Ruyant this time the problem was nothing that his high powered suction pumps could not cope with. Racing at more than 25 knots the pressure of water over the deck had prised open the locking handles and water flooded the forward compartment for 30 minutes.

But the skipper from the north of France admitted he had had a few frightening moments when he thought he was in for a repeat of his 2016 race when his IMOCA nearly broke in half four years ago nearly to the day.

The three leaders have been stretching away from the second group, the peloton. Jean Le Cam narrowly out in front of this pack of five boats is now nearly 500 miles behind Bestaven.  Speaking on the Vendée Globe Live show Le Cam admitted the intensity of racing boat for boat with his four rivals was wearing,

“A couple days ago, I was within sight of four other boats. But seeing everyone on the AIS like this now is tiring. I prefer there to be some distance between us. They’re a bit further south now and I’m a bit further north. I hope to stay with the front. I have to push hard to do that.”  Said Le Cam.

Kevin Escoffier, the skipper rescued from the South Indian Ocean by Le Cam was in Les Sables d’Olonne today to visit the Race HQ and give his thanks to Race Direction for their role in his rescue.

Speaking on the English show Escoffier recalled how little time he had to get off PRB and how his safety grab bag was too low in the hull, already under water and sealed according to the rules, as well as tied down, making it too inaccessible to cut free. Hence he entered his liferaft with nothing by his survival suit. It was only minutes between the time he messaged his team and he was was washed off the broken boat,

“ I know how long it takes to put on the survival suit and I know that I sent the text to my team at 1446hrs and they responded to me at 1447hrs. There was one minute and I never saw their reply. In one minute I had the time to go inside to grab my survival suit and send the text and in that time everything inside the boat was floating.”

He added, “I inflated the liferaft but it was already under water as it was on the floor of the cockpit. I grabbed it it to put it on the deck and a wave took me and the liferaft.”

And the learning about the location of the safety grab bag is obvious,

“In may case the safety equipment was lying on the bottom of the boat. It should be in the middle of the boat (ie in height off the floor). As if you lose the keel bulb as Jean did in 2008 then you may grab it, but it has to be not too low nor too high. You need to be able to grab it in a hurry. Due to the seals (the safety bag is sealed so that it cannot be moved as ‘stacked’ ballast). So we did before was put some tape and lashings around it. But here you have to cut everything and in my case it was already under the water, I was trying to cut it free with a knife it was taking me way too much time. And so I preferred to go and get my liferaft and make sure I could do that safely.”

Asked about his future hopes and plans he smiled. “ I was reading an article in the media with Jean Jacques Laurent (MD of PRB) saying I will be in the Vendée Globe in 2024 so I am looking forwards to talking to him!  If he is confident I am confident as well. “

At the back of the fleet Sebastien Destremau has made some repairs to his steering system but has been slowed, manoeuvring and testing as he avoids