New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne
New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne

28 December 2020 - 09:37 • 7816 views



Message from Miranda Merron (Campagne de France).

"Yesterday I discovered with some amazement that I have passed the half way point in the race. I didn't know where the half way point was, and I don't have the computer-calculated information that is on the website (no internet access here), but I assumed it was somewhere still far ahead. It is just wonderful to be sailing towards home, loved ones and friends at last, rather than away from them. We (the boat and I) are still in the Indian Ocean, and it hasn't finished with us yet. I am sailing on an unfavourable gybe to the northeast to get out of the way of the worst of a low pressure system. The sea is disorganised and the boat is slewing sideways down waves. There is still a very long way to go!
It seems like a long time ago since the start of the Indian Ocean and the first proper heavy weather. There have been other windy and rough periods since, but none were as quite as frightening as the first one which was a very convincing display of the superiority of mother nature, and conversely how small, inconsequential and vulnerable we are, especially in places like this. There have been light airs from time to time too, useful for inspecting and fixing things. There are always things to do. It hasn't been as foggy and grey as last time. Other than ending up less than 2 miles from Alexia in light airs before one of our windy episodes, I haven't seen another vessel since somewhere near Tristan da Cunha. The bird life is impressive, and I wish I hadn't forgotten my bird book. It is always uplifting to have an albatross, or indeed any bird, follow the boat."
Miranda Merron / Campagne de France