New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne
New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne

16 January 2021 - 10:01 • 10786 views



Pip Hare last night.....I am going to the west because there is a very nasty little low pressure developing to the west of me and if I carry on to the north I will get clobbered by 50 knots of wind and I don’t want that and so I have to go west, I have no choice. I am a bit gutted about it because I feel I could have navigated this bit a bit better. I am going to lose time, but there we go. It is done. Move on. This last week I have lost a little bit of my mojo.

I think it was having all those problems on board, maybe my focus started to zoom into the boat and I was only focusing on what was happening on the boat, with those problems. And I stopped looking outside and having the global perspective on what I am doing. So today I have had a bit of a rethink. I have been outside a lot. I have been feeling the ocean and the air, and getting my head back into the fact that I have 6000 miles left to sail and I will then have sailed round the world in an IMOCA. And this stretch of water is quite poignant for me as I will be level with Uruguay in about two days time, and on the 2nd January in 2009 I left Uruguay in my boat in my 40 foot cruiser racer and that was the start of my journey to the Vendée Globe, I had never sailed overnight, solo. It was my first solo journey and I came back through this stretch of water at the same time as the Vendée Globe competitors so to be here 11 years later and sailing home on an IMOCA in the Vendée Globe is really special.

Pip Hare / Medallia