New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne
New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne

23 January 2021 - 10:37 • 11149 views



The skipper of Bureau Vallée 2 has made the big arc round the anticyclone and remains a strong contender for the final victory. Even if Louis Burton indicated that the front was beginning to show signs of air instability. The solo sailor seemed in great shape for the final sprint after 75 days at sea!

"It's windy, but it's quite unstable. I'm beginning to feel the front coming over us as it fills in. There are around fifteen knots with squalls and soft, gusty, rotating winds since the beginning of the night. As I am the furthest north, I see the effects (of the front) first. On this last section, it went better for Apivia because he is not yet feeling the influence of the front. It should become more and more unstable, coming in until Sunday morning.

Reaching the Azores will depend on how fast the front will move, on our speed and our ability to stay ahead. Ideally, we gybe behind the front, after the islands. But if we're a little slower, we risk crossing the islands in the middle... Theoretically, the first solution should take place.

It is rare to have so many boats so close together with four days to go. It's pretty crazy because a lot can still happen! Everybody has the pressure of the finish... But I try to stay away from all that and concentrate on the end of the race. So much the better if people are betting on me now: it didn't go too badly but it's not easy at the moment! I've racked up some miles, but I'm have also hit the front first, so... It's obviously harder for me than for the other boats further south. And nothing is decided until the finish! It's very difficult to make a guess. You have to be on top of it and it's not the time to have any lie-ins...

The pace has quickened a bit and it's true that I took advantage of the trade winds and the rounding of the high to recharge, to rest, to be in shape for this finish, but I am sure I am not the only one! I have a bit in the bank, but it will be tougher to remain calm as we face the quickening tempo with manoeuvres and handling, we have not had since the Pacific.

It's going to go very fast: in 24 hours, we'll pass a front. 20 hours later, we'll gybe towards Les Sables d'Olonne... And then we're going to knit out way up as we approach Cape Finisterre on the south of the Bay of Biscay! It's not going to be a very "comfortable"... But hey, for now, it's nice here. I was expecting to get cold soon. During the day, I am still in shorts and only put my boots back on last night. If it goes on like this all the way to the end it will be good.”