New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne
New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne

28 January 2021 - 15:18 • 16363 views



"I’m good – I was just trying to have a little nap, but I’m too excited. The finish was really nice – to see the faces in the RIBs – in the first moment you can’t recognise them because people have masks, but then you see the eyes and they are so smiley."

I’m happy with the result, especially given the circumstances of everything that happened and I’m absolutely happy with this race, with the outcome and everything.

This race was a team effort, the boat preparation, everything around the race, and our mission was with science and education. It’s nice to have all these people here now and to celebrate together. That’s the best moment of the race.

The worst moment was coming out of deep sleep, then I was stand in the back of the boat and look up and look up the wall of the fishing boat. And my sail, the mainsail, the shroud, the outrigger, everything is stuck on the fishing boat and I’m thrown onto it again and again and again.

Finally the shroud breaks and that sets me free. That was heart-breaking to see the destruction. But at the end we still finished and in a good position. The damage on the boat is all repairable – there’s nothing structural.

Did the Vendee Globe change you?

Yes – the Vendee Globe has for sure changed me. I don’t know yet in what way, but it’s certainly taught me a lot about trust, trusting in people and the boat, trusting in time – that good things come with time.

You know, you have to wait 80 days for the finish and for all this nice emotion to happen. It’s not a pleasure trip, it’s a strange ratio between time and reward."