New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne
New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne

19 February 2021 - 12:36 • 4789 views



Man Cousin who is due to finish tomorrow morning, spoke on the radio call recently"It's going better this morning. It's not very relaxing because there are still two fairly big depressions to get through so I have to remain cautious and vigilant because the weather is unsettled, there are a lot of squalls. I am being careful, but I feel better than 2-3 days ago when I was still quite stressed about a lot of things. Now I try to take advantage of these final days of racing. I am trying to relive in my head what I have managed to do, like running it back as a film.

I had a lot of traffic between the TSS (Traffic Separation Scheme) passage and last night. I am got a bit more clear of it because we are not far from the shipping route between Ushant and La Corunna. I stayed south of their route to avoid them, but there are more and more fishermen as we get closer to the Spanish coast. The AIS alarms sounded last night. But now when  I start to reach the middle of the Bay of Biscay normally there will be a little less traffic.
Otherwise all is well, the Bay of Biscay is living up to its reputation. I still have 40 knots of wind and choppy seas last night. The forecast is 25-30 knots of wind with sunshine tomorrow morning for the finish. On the last files and routings, I should arrive at daybreak, between 7 and 8 am. After the time the team gets on board, it may be an hour's rest before I can imagine a channel entrance in the morning!

I have less than 24 hours left, it's funny to say that. There is so much to say that I just don't know where to start. I am taking stock a bit I have loved it and would love to go back. I didn’t imagine my Vendée Globe would be like this, I was going to be here to race and it quickly turned into an adventure. It’s so amazing. In the tough times we wonder what we're doing here and as soon as we are coming home we already want to be back doing it again. I had so much fun. I never thought about quitting, I always worked on solutions to make sure I finish. And to realize where I am is amazing because a few years ago I never thought I could be at the start and finish of this race. I'll take advantage of being alone now to think about that. "