New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne
New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne


News 16 January 2021

Burton Leads Dalin Across The Equator Into The Doldrums

‘Considering the speed that phenomena evolve in the Doldrums a little luck is always needed’
Vendée Globe meteo adviser Christian Dumard annexes his prediction for the Vendée leaders’ passage of the ICTZ with a warning.

Even with all of the tools and assimilated knowledge, no doubt enhanced during last winter and spring’s lockdown learning phase in Europe, the passage of the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone’s unexpected squalls, prolonged calms under clouds, and variable, shifting winds – is always a time of high tension for Vendée Globe skippers.

News 16 January 2021

Burton In Contention

Charlie Dalin's pursuer is alongside as they pass not far from Fernando de Noronha. But Louis Burton knows that crossing the doldrums is an essential phase of the race with less than two weeks to go before the finish in Les Sables d'Olonne.
News 16 January 2021

Vendée English Live #70 : Phil Sharp & Sam Davies

Today, Phil Sharp, British solo racer, Class 40 champion and new sustainable energy expert, and Sam Davies, skipper of Initiatives-cœur, were on the Vendée Live

News 16 January 2021

Sébastien Destremau (Merci) forced to retire

Sébastien Destremau, the skipper of the 26th placed IMOCA Merci, has been finally forced to abandon his attempt to complete his second Vendée Globe.

News 16 January 2021

Pip Hare...her mojo is coming back

Pip Hare last night.....I am going to the west because there is a very nasty little low pressure developing to the west of me and if I carry on to the north I will get clobbered by 50 knots of wind and I don’t want that and so I have to go west, I have no choice. I am a bit gutted about it because I feel I could have navigated this bit a bit better. I am going to lose time, but there we go. It is done. Move on. This last week I have lost a little bit of my mojo.


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