New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne
New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne


News 12 January 2021

Pip Hare at the Horn, 'Finally It Is Done'

Finally it's done. I have rounded Cape Horn, had the full experience, close enough inshore for photos and spoke to the lighthouse keeper and his wife. But then I was crawling past the island at about 4 knots so I had time to be a tourist.

News 12 January 2021

Dalin Leads Rio Restart, Hare At The Horn Last Night

After Charlie Dalin (Apivia) took the lead last night this morning, incredibly, there are five boats within 50 nautical miles of each other as the leading group passes Rio de Janeiro in light breezes making between nine and 12 knots. There is still more wind offshore, out to sea.
Dalin, who last led briefly on Christmas Day, is about 100 miles to the east of Bestaven who has dropped to third at about 25 miles behind the new leader.

In brief 12 January 2021

Pip Hare at Cape Horn

Britain's Pip Hare made her first ever passage of Cape Horn at 0156hrs UTC this Tuesday morning on Medallia. Her elapsed time from the start is 64 days 12hrs 36 mins, so 9 days 12hrs and 13 mins after the leader at the time Yannick Bestaven and 10hrs and 21 minutes after Jeremie Beyou. 




News 11 January 2021

All Bets Are Off

Bestaven caught to within 38 miles.....New leader tomorrow?....Hare approaching Cape Horn after Boissièrres, Roura, Beyou.......Beyou fastest in the Southern Ocean Between Good Hope and Cape Horn


All bets are off. Normally by the 64th day of recent editions of the Vendée Globe, the solo non- stop race round the world has been distilled down to a choice of two or at the outside three potential winners.

But as the group of six chasing solo racers are now compressed to within 300 miles of leader Yannick Bestaven, and the skipper of Maître Coq IV has seen his lead of 435 miles melt like snow in the Brazilian sun, to be just 38 miles ahead of Charlie Dalin (Apivia) this afternoon, it is clear any one of the top six or seven boats could hope to break the Les Sables d’Olonne finish line first later this month, probably around 28th or 29th. Indeed by tomorrow Tuesday there seems every chance that the leader for 17 days might have been passed.

News 11 January 2021

Didac Costa 'Looking forwards to warmer of these days....'

Didac Costa, Once Ocean One Planet – news from onboard:

The storm has passed, and it seems that the way to Cape Horn is quite clear. A new 'small' storm will come in and with it should reach the gates of the Atlantic. 



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