New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne
New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne


News 14 December 2020

Top Trio Stretch Towards The Pacific

Time to make hay for Dalin, Ruyant and Bestaven....Nine cross Leeuwin within 24 hours of Dalin
Race midpoint beckons

The three leaders of the Vendée Globe, Charlie Dalin, Thomas Ruyant and Yannick Bestaven now have the potential to open up a meaningful distance on the group which has been chasing them hard as the top trio benefit from fast sailing conditions on the back of a low pressure system.

News 14 December 2020

Vendée English live #37

Guest of the day : Merf Owen, IMOCA designer.

News 14 December 2020

Two sails damaged, reports Maxime Sorel, one repaired.

Maxime Sorel has reported damage to two key sails on V and B Mayenne. He has made a difficult repair to his J3 but still has work to do on his J2.
On Saturday in challenging weather conditions he got to work….. “My sewing needles were flying, the boat was still surfing but I got the job done on this sail. Now I hope it's good. "


News 14 December 2020

Benjamin Dutreux 'I keep pushing'

The skipper of OMIA - Water Family is delighted to have passed the longitude of Cape Leeuwin and to be sailing close to Damien Seguin and Jean Le Cam. He explains how important it is to push and trim the boat and not get slowed down. As for life on board, he is craving fresh vegetables and is fed up with the freeze-dried meals!

News 14 December 2020

No Monday Morning Blues Down Under As Leaders Press Hard

The three Vendée Globe leaders have the foot hard down on the accelerator, racing behind this low pressure system and so making good speeds and opening up the gap back to the chasing peloton which is now more than 200 miles behind. Charlie Dalin is doing his best to contain the highly motivated Thomas Ruyant who works constantly to find best speeds from his compromised IMOCA which lacks most of its port foil and Yannick Bestaven remains super quick. And now seven IMOCA’s have crossed the longitude of Cape Leeuwin, young Ben Dutreux – the rookie from the Vendée region – is very happy to have crossed fourth.


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