New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne
New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne


News 17 February 2021

Manu Cousin this morning, 'I am keeping my fingers crossed'

Manuel Cousin (Group SÉTIN) was on this morning radio session this morning. He told us about life on board, his repairs and his thoughts about finishing.

"I'm going to have a lot of things to do. I have one key gybe to do and to watch out for the TSS. It blew hard last night, but the wind was quite stable. I tried to rest on my boat, on my pilot and it was a good night. This morning there are still 30-35 knots and it should build again during the day. Everything has to hold out for another 24 hours, after that it will be a bit easier. I should arrive on Saturday morning at the latest, otherwise everything is fine on board, I have my fingers crossed!

News 16 February 2021

Back to life, back to reality

The race doctor Jean Yves Chauve talks of the return to dry land and real life
When they return to dry land after some three months at seas the sailors are physically and mentally exhausted and need to recover, get some real sleep and return to normal life. They have lost weight, they often feel out of touch with the realities of life ashore , but at the same time many are already hankering after the dream of doing it all again. Jean Yves Chauve, the Vendée Globe doctor since the first edition back in 1989, examines the state of the competitors

News 16 February 2021

Giraud: 'If you told me a week ago that this was going to last another month, it wouldn't have been a big deal.'

Clément Giraud (Compagnie du Lit/JILITI) 21st on the dock......
“I was able to finish under the 100 days mark, that is a bit crazy. It was full of adventure. I was always happy to be racing around the globe. I must admit that in my head I thought it was going to be more complicated than this.

News 16 February 2021

Miranda Merron "I am not letting myself think about the finish but I can't wait to see you all!"

Miranda Merron wrote this morning...."Welcome sunshine after a rather busy, wet and very dark night with two consecutive cold fronts. I chose to go outside the verboten Traffic Separation Scheme as the sea state inshore must be truly impressive. Also, the wind accelerates significantly around Cape Finistere and there is enough here as it is, and the second front has stalled over the land 50 miles away - the sun has just risen above it. There are quite a few ships on this side of the TSS too. Short naps only to weave amongst the traffic. 
Now to work out the quickest, but not necessarily the windiest route to Les Sables d'Olonne...

News 16 February 2021

Clément Giraud Finishes 21st in the Vendee Globe On Compagnie du Lit/Jiliti

Clément Giraud crossed the finish line of the Vendée Globe this morning at 09:28:21 hrs UTC after 99d, 20hrs, 08m and 31s of racing. Finishing in 21st place on Compagnie du Lit/Jiliti, the 40 year old who grew up in Martinique achieves his original target, breaking the 100 days mark, by a matter of 3hrs and 52mins. But Giraud will be doubly satisfied as he very nearly did not make the start at all. After his boat went on fire just before November 2019’s double handed race across the Atlantic his sponsors withdrew from his project. But he was lent the 2006 Farr design by fellow competitor Erik Nigon and Giraud only finally secured the sponsorships of Compagnie du Lit and Jiliti last September.


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